Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Lemonade Diet - The Cleansing Diet

Lemonade Diet Recipe

By Cary Bergeron

The Lemonade Diet or as many call it the Master Cleanse diet. This lemonade diet recipe consists of a lemonade drink, tea and a salt water flush. The basic ingredients are freshly squeezed organic lemon juice, all natural grade e maple syrup, mixed with water and Cayenne Pepper to taste. This mixture of ingredients will give you all the nutrients you need to sustain yourself throughout the ten day diet. You will drink the lemonade mixture at least three times a day or more if you need it.

During the diet which you are to follow for at least ten days you cannot eat any foods or drink anything else besides the lemonade, herbal (laxative) tea or water.

Stanley Burroughs is the author of this diet and it is intended to cleanse the body of all its toxins. You can tell you are clear of toxins once your tongue is completely pink and there is no more white film on it. The diet goes for ten days but sometimes your tongue is not completely pink at this time and it is necessary to continue the cleanse until it is.

While many people lose weight during this diet there are many people who haven’t. This lemonade diet is in fact a cleansing diet and should be approached as such. If you find yourself willing to try this easy and fun diet please remember going into it that you might not lose any weight at all. However take comfort in knowing that once you have completed this diet/cleanse that you will have rid yourself or years of toxic buildup. You will feel more refreshed and healthier then you have in many years.

For more information on this subject be sure to visit [http://www.freedietprograms.org/lemonade_diet.shtml title=Lemonade Diet]Lemonade Diet

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com

Lemonade Diet Recipe

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